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    May 31, 2018 - ongoing

    2260 Atkinson Street, Detroit, MI, USA 48206


    SCULPTURE GARDEN is a group exhibition by Detroit-based artists Sarah Cohen, Ashley Cook, Marissa Jezak, Madeline Kuzak and Amber Locke takes place in the garden of a domesticated space. The name of the exhibition reconsiders the context of a specific history that publicly features large scale works by the most renown artists, and celebrates the freedom to take our own liberties to use the space around us as outlets for independent exhibition making. A liminality somewhere between familiar comforts and the uncanny sets a mood for this collaborative temporary installation.









    Sarah Cohen


    Sticks, twine, fishing line, assorted ribbon, dirt








    Ashley Cook

    Hommage to a Mirage(Staying Alive)










    Amber Locke


    Wood pallets, stain, fabric, foam, vinyl

    (Aprox. 2.5 x 6 x 3 ft.)















    Marissa Jezak

    Luminary (set of 2)

    melted plastic, mushrooms, paint








    Madeline Kuzakk

    Lady in Black

    2 x 4ft



































    Ashley Cook, 2018